How to stop Hatena diary from highlighting search terms

I didn't realize that when clicking through a Google search to this blog, the items from the search query appear highlighted whenever they appear on the page. This is extremely annoying for common words like "on" and has little benefit even for uncommon words.

I could not find an option to disable this (after struggling through the Japanese documentation) so I poked through the HTML. It turns out that keywords are given the "highlight" style class. 管理ツールトップ→詳細デザイン設定 allows you to add style sheets. Through this, I could override the colors but I could not figure out how to "blank out" the style sheet inherited from the pre-made theme. There must be some CSSy way, but some searching did not reveal the answer. So I ended up copying and pasting the theme css into the stylesheet box, and then commented out the style class.

No more annoying colors when coming in through Google.