
Moving a window that's off screen or otherwise hidden.

When using Windows, you may run into the problem of trying to access a window that is not visible because it is far off the screen or hidden under something. This is not a bad trick to remember, from Raymond Chen:http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ol…

Undo a bad SVN commit

I made a bad SVN commit that I wanted to undo. This blog post helped me out. In particular, if the bad commit was revision r34, just do: $ svn merge -c -34 . $ svn commitThat is a negative sign in front of the revision number.

Multiple paths in a grant codebase block in a Java security policy file.

The documentation doesn't say this, but you can grant codebase "path" multiple paths by separating the paths with a colon (":"). For example, grant codebase "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-" { ... }

How to add a class to an existing JAR file.

Say we have a jar file start.jar and want to add a class to it. $ mkdir jarbuild $ cp start.jar jarbuild $ cd jarbuild $ jar -xf start.jar $ rm start.jar $ cp -r ~/secmgr . $ find secmgr/ secmgr/ secmgr/manager secmgr/manager/ProfilingSecu…