
Extracting audio from video

FFmpeg does this well:ffmpeg -i movie.flv -ab 256k -vn -ss 23 -t 00:04:58 -vol 512 mysong.mp4The optional arguments mean: -ab 256k: 256k bitrate (seems to mean the upper bound, the actual bitrate seems to turn out to be less and setting hi…

Why I don't like Textile

This is mostly a reminder to myself of why I prefer HTML over lighter markup languages like Textile or Markdown. I often come up with judgements of what I like or not, but it's difficult to recall the reasons when pressed.Here are some exa…

ssh without password on Ubuntu Jaunty

Mostly lifted from here but for my own notes. On client, runssh-keygenDo not supply a passphrase. This creates a keypair in ~/.ssh. Copy the newly created file id_rsa.pub to server.scp -P 22 .ssh/id_rsa.pub bob@server:~/ On server, append …